Friday, October 28, 2011

We Have a Date!

We will be in china the 18th of November!  Our Gotcha Day will be the 21st. What a Thanksgiving celebration we will have this year.  I wonder if they will serve turkey in China?  Our consulate appt. is scheduled for the 29th.  We will be headed home on December first.

Please pray for a smooth transition and for Tabetha Hope's heart to be open to us.


Mike and Jennifer said...

Woohoo! So happy and excited for you guys.

Lynnea said...

What an awesome way to celebrate Thanksgiving! Who all is going to China this time around????
Have a blessed and safe (and no sickness!!! trip!)

Amanda said...

This time it will be just Brian and I. The rest are going to our parents in Michigan. They are super excited to get to see them.

Grippo said...

Amanda & Brian--I will write to you on Thanksgiving and tell you, in full detail, about the meal we are eating. You can then write to me about your indigestion. Does this mean you are not traveling w/ Vicki & Billy??

Amanda said...

Julie you are too kind ;P.

I am not sure how it is all gonna work out but I know we will see vicki at some point. We are technically not in the same group. She also has 2 to get so needs to stay longer.