Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Working with an Angel

 With challenges a head of us, we know we have a long rode, working with this little angel.  The determination for perfection already seen in this girl is overwhelming.  Just a few days with her and we see the potential that she has.  She doesn't like making a mess with her food and if she drops something in her lap she is persistent to get the mess cleaned up.  With her cerberal palsy affecting her hands and speech, she still finds ways to get what she needs done.  Just yesterday Brian pulled off her socks and shoes, she quickly went at it with her pinky finger on her left hand pulling the socks onto her toes, then working hard at getting them up her foot, then working to straighten them out. This girl has more determination that I (Brian) do which draws me closer to her and making sure that yes I work with her to help her develop and learn new skills and techniques.

 Here Tabetha Hope shows us how she uses her pinky finger to lift a spoon and scoop out chicken fried rice.  She has mastered eating and enjoys making weird and strange faces when we introduce new foods to her that she has never eaten before. The agency guide Amy and the hotel staff have been very helpful, with our accomodations and finding things to help Tabetha Hope get easier access to things, like a stroller and kiddie toilet.  There is a stroller story for another day, as we left Detroit with a stroller but it never made it here.

Awe, isn't she cute, she is ready and eager to go on a stroller ride down the street.  She enjoys leaving the hotel room because there is not much to see and do in there, which brings on bordem after tiring out dad. Today we might get adventerous and look for a McDonalds if there is one nearby.  Maybe we can ask the somewhat English speaking hotel staff if they know where there is a McDonald's.

We miss everyone and wish our stay was over, but we have another 9 days here.  Can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner in the hotel, we might have chicken or duck for our thanksgiving.  It doesn't really matter as we are very very thankful for Brian's recover and health, as well as fullfilling God's promise to us to bring this little girl home.

God Bless


Mike and Jennifer said...

She is so, so beautiful!! What size clothes is she wearing? I recognize those serious looks of determination! What out, you guys are in trouble! But it is the best kind of trouble there is:-)

Sheila said...

So love seeing these pics! YAY! It's nice to know what Tabetha Hope is dealing with, and to know that she is a fighter and hard worker already. God is so there with you right now. We are praying for soft hearts and supernatural bonding. You are missed!!
Amanda, still checking on that package. Hasn't arrived yet as far as I know (hasn't been on porch).

William said...

Brian and Amanda, the pictures are wonderful. If some of my words are misspelled its because a Miss Elizabeth Grace is sitting on my lap "helping me." We are looking forward to meeting Tabatha Hope and we miss you too.