Friday, December 23, 2011

Read the Signs

This morning Tabetha Hope was very unhappy.  She kept pointing to her foot and whining. So we looked at her feet for pokies, clipped her toe nails, put lotion on her feet and played piggies with her.  Finally she gave up and just cried.  This is where it finally occured to me that her feet were cold...Yes, I am slow.  Light bulb moment she wants socks.  I went and found socks and looked up the signs for, socks, pants and shirt.  Hopefully those will help prevent future melt downs, well some of them anyway ;)

 This picture was taken when the girls were playing kissy face.  They are learning to play with each other.  The other day before bath they were running around the house all nakey and giggling and squealing chasing each other.  While it was totally cute I figured this is a better picture to post ;)


Lynnea said... the sister being together!
ENJOY Christmas...what a fun time!
(oh and for the record...I wouldn't have thought of socks either! lol)

Mike and Jennifer said...

Oh sweet girl! Cold feet make me cry too! Or swear if they are Mike's cold feet:-/
I am so happy that the girls are starting to warm up to each other. Hope you guys have an amazing, wonderful Christmas.!

Brian said...

I love the moments when Elizabeth Grace gets irritating and in Tabetha Hope's face and then Tabetha Hope wack's her one. True Love!