Friday, February 17, 2012

I am tired

Last week  Tabetha Hope had a chiropractor appt on Monday and Thursday  a swallow test on Wednesday and a speech therapy evaluation on Friday.  This week she has had an Orthopedic consultation  and chiropractor appt on Monday, occupational therapy on Wednesday, physical therapy  and massage therapy on Thursday and today was our 3month post adoption visit.  Can I go relax now.

Everything is starting to get rolling for therapies.  So far the results for all of this are.
The swallow test revealed that she is not chewing her food so now we get to puree everything.  They weighed and measured her at that time and found that she still isn't growing.  They are hoping by pureeing her food she will get more nutrition from it and start to grow.
The speech therapist has decided against speech therapy and wants to concentrate more on an aac device to help her communicate better and faster than speech therapy would work.
At the orthopedic we found that the chiropractor has been doing amazing in his adjustments of her spine. 
In occupational therapy therapist is working on her eating.  So she got to eat yogurt and little yogurt candies and then got a mouth massage.  She told me next week she is gonna show me how to do the mouth massage at home by demonstrating it on me.  EWE
In physical therapy She got some custom made orthotics for her feet.  She now walks more stable and less wobbly. After that appt. I took the girls out shoe shopping.
The massage therapy appt. She liked the best.  She looked and walked like a limp noodle afterwards.

Next week we have an MRI of her brain scheduled to help determine exactly what her special need is.  We were told originally it was CP but so far the specialists are not really sure.

Now I will leave you with a picture of to happy sister while I go take a nap...oh wait is that the laundry calling.


Mike and Jennifer said...

Lol! Welcome to my life!! Isn't it fun?! I got trained to give Lily her IV medication through her picc line today. This take 60+ minutes and I only have to do it 3 times a day (once in the middle of the night). Wanna trade? :-)

Amanda said...

No thanks I already had to do the IV stuff with Brian last year, no fun. Praying for a speedy recovery.

Mike and Jennifer said...

Beautiful family picture by the way!! I hardly recognize the "little" boys.
You know, between the two of us we could probably open our own clinic.....Or taxi service -lol!

Grippo said...

Yes, this life can be exhausting. Especially with what's on your plate. Let me know if I can drive up sometime and help out. Jia could leave a giant mess and make you wonder what I think "help" actually means. .

Amanda said...

Hahaha Julie you are funny and for the record Jennifer We are out of seats in the van ;)

Sheila said...

Wow. I think it's more overwhelming to read than to hear! Thank God there is not a broken vehicle on your broken road or you'd be in trouble! Let me know if you need a kid hang-out place during some of those appts.

Amanda said...

Shiela I think angels are running our cars. They just keep going. I praise God for that.